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Website editcenter is an online website building center that allows you to build a template-driven web site from scratch or edit their existing site using only a web browser (Internet Explorer and FireFox on PC, or FireFox on Mac).more..
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Website Audio Player

Why Is It People With Talking WebPages Achieve More Sales?

The answer is dead-simple. Adding audio to your website smashes the silence of the world-wide-web.

Web Audio makes web pages come alive. Adding audio buttons to your web pages allows your visitors to interact more within your website.

It will cost 10$/Month

How web audio can increase Your website's performance
  • Increase Your Conversion Ratio FACT: Adding your voice to your home page, order form or any other page within your website can increase your visitor to customer conversion rate three fold... Using audio could save you from handing over a fortune to a professional copywriter or wasting hours rewriting your web copy just to get the same effect.
  • Increase Your Number Of Subscribers FACT: Adding a personal voice message to your website can fast track your online newsletter or eZine sign-ups. Audio leads visitors by the hand into submitting their details. (One recent customer increased the opt-in rate to his email list from around 15 per day to just under 50 a day - just by adding audio!)
  • Increase Your Number Of Orders FACT: Adding your voice to your website right at the point where your customers complete the final steps of the order process can decrease the number of last minute dropouts from your shopping cart or order pages. These customers were just about to press the button to order, don't lose them now!
  • Increase Traffic To Your Website FACT: Adding your voice to HTML e-mail's and online articles can quickly increase your eZine click-through rates. Encouraging more subscribers to visit your website (or an affiliate site)... meaning you make more sales and earn more commissions.
  • Increase Your Website's Product Range FACT: You can use audio on your website to increase your product range. One customer added 4 brand new products to his website in just one day by simply recording audio reports and selling them!
  • Flash Audio Wizard Gives You All This & Much, Much, Much more: It just takes a little creativity and the sky's your limit!

Still Not Sure If Flash Audio Wizard Will Increase Your Website Sales?

Here are a few quick-fire ways you can build your web business using web audio.

  • Welcome Voice On Homepage: As your visitors arrive at your home page you can program your audio to play automatically, A welcoming voice with a reassuring tone will certainly encourage your website visitors to trust you.
  • Instructions On What To Do Next: Lots of websites repeatedly lose sales because their visitors don't know what to do next. Sometimes it's not obvious which buttons to press, how to complete an order, or how long to wait for a response. Add audio to your website at this crucial point when your potential buyers need a little more help and you're much less likely to lose them.
  • Talking eBooks & CD ROMs: Typing an ebook can take weeks. However, you can create a new product by simply talking into a microphone for 60 minutes or so, and then selling the audio file as an audio eBook.
    (An extra tip here, is to pay a fast typist to do a transcript of the recording at a later date. This will increase your eBook's value.)
  • Testimonials That Talk: Audio Testimonials are extremely powerful. Use them to provide proof that your product or service is second to none. The effect LIVE testimonials have over written testimonials is astonishing. They add pure realism and support to your website.
  • eZines With Live Audio: Add value and uniqueness to your eZine by using audio commentary to promote new ideas to your subscribers.
  • Email With Audio: A great way to personalize your messages is to add your voice to your emails.
  • Updates Using Audio: If you don't want to sit and type long emails about the latest updates on your website you can use audio. Audio is perfect for letting your visitors know about anything new you've added to your website. Recording an audio message will only take you 5 - 10 minutes compared with the hour or so it will take you to type it.

Why Add Streaming Audio to Your Website

* Credibility - Anyone can add some text and graphics however the use of audio takes a little more effort and so it is seen as higher value. In a recent streaming survey it was found that most people associated streaming audio and video with respected corporate sites.

* Auditory - Statistics show that 30% of surfers are auditory and so if you do not have audio then you are loosing out on a lot of traffic.

* Stickability - Our customers have proven that audio has dramatically increased the time people spend on their site. So many people are now able to get traffic to their websites using Pay Per Click advertising however the next main consideration is keeping them there so you get more from your advertising dollar.

* Current Marketplace - is awash with TV and radio programs so people are already used to the concept and are expecting it on websites. With the average computer being multimedia enabled they almost feel dejected if they can not utilize all the functions.

* The Wow Factor - At present only around 5% of sites utilise any form of streaming media so it creates a wow factor and delivers a lot more word of mouth traffic than any other form of web page functions.

* The Online Population - Streamies, those users who watch or listen to streaming online, represent 44% of all Internet users and 27% of Americans overall. By far, streamies are the most valuable consumer group on the Internet. Streaming media consumers are far more interactive, are more oriented to e-commerce and spend more time online compared with Internet users who don't stream." (EdisonMedia Study, Jan. 2001)

With the web surfer becoming much more "web savvy" than they were a year ago, they are expecting not only information but an entertaining web experience.

You do not need any technical ability. Our program is so easy to use that anyone can add streaming audio to their website and stand out from the crowd. 

Marketers and business people have always known that a well-placed audio stream can increase sales and signups to their products and services. The problem has always been that the average person could not afford the high cost of special servers or programmers to be able to use this technology.

This has all changed with MP3 Sound Stream …

With purchasing our service, you will give us your mp3 file to convert on web audio. We will convert it on correct flash audio button as and will uploading our high bindwidth server we will give you code. Just paste that code on your site and flash audio button is ready.

So what are you waiting for?  Click here to order now!

Click the "Play Button" shown below and listen for yourself how fast this message starts playing!