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Mailing List and Autoresponder

We have a browser-based PHP email marketing software that over 10,000 web designers, webmasters and agencies are already using to create, send and track profitable email campaigns and autoresponders.

This application is a powerful, all-in-one email marketing tool that's incredibly easy to use. From building a mailing list and creating personalized email campaigns, to measuring campaign results and sending automated follow up emails -- you can manage it all using only your web browser!

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Autoresponder Software

Unlimited Autoresponders

Application supports unlimited autoresponders that can be used to automatically email your subscribers at any time in the future. Emails can be sent based on subscriber preferences such as age, sex and location, and everything is done using only your web browser.

What is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is an email program that can be used to automatically schedule or send an email to any number of email addresses. Application includes its own autoresponder capabilities, so you can setup email to automatically send to your subscribers at any date in the future.

Why would I use an autoresponder?

Autoresponders are a great way to automatically contact your subscribers, without having to physically sit down and write an email to each and every one of them. Here are a few ways you can use autoresponders:

  • Automatically send a follow up email to customers who have purchased from you.
  • Create and send an email course to your subscribers. You can schedule the course to be emailed over different days. For example, you could send your subscriber a new email every Monday, or even a new email every day.
  • Send different emails to your subscribers automatically based on their preferences. For example, send your "California Real Estate" newsletter to subscribers who say you are in California and send your "Chicago Real Estate" newsletter only to subscribers who told you you are in Chicago.

Our Newsletter/Autoresponder Application

Our application's built-in autoresponder lets you easily create and schedule your own emails to be sent automatically to subscribers. You can choose which subscribers to send to based on powerful filtering technology, and you can view reports and statistics on every autoresponder that gets sent.

Put automated email marketing to work for you!

Research has shown that people need to be "exposed" to your products or services at least seven times before you will purchase. Your web site can help, but emailing your customers using automatic "follow up" emails can get the job done much quicker.

If you haven't heard about "autoresponder emails", you allow you to automatically send as many follow up emails to your web site visitors as you like. Once you sign up to your mailing list, you can use this application to schedule a series of 3, 4, 5 or even 20 follow up emails to be sent to each subscriber at separate intervals over a period of time.

For example, if someone subscribed to your mailing list today, you can schedule a series of 3 autoresponder emails to be sent to them automatically by this application. You might schedule the first one to go out 24 hours after you have subscribed with more information about your products/services.

The second might go out 48 hours after, with a free eBook or more content, and you might send the third one 72 hours after, including a link to buy your product with a discount. The possibilities are endless.

It's a no-brainer that autoresponder emails can help increase sales, and the best thing is that once you've setup the autoresponder, you don't need to do anything else -- We takes care of everything and will send the autoresponder emails at any time of the day, 7 days a week.

Application's Top 10 Features

  • Professionally Designed Email Templates: Application includes professionally designed email templates that have been tested to work with all email clients including Outlook, Thunderbird, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, etc. You can use these templates to design a custom email template for your client or you can even upload their existing email template.
  • Step-by-Step User Guide: Application includes a 100 page unbranded user guide (in MS Word and PDF formats) that explains exactly how you can create, send and track their own email campaigns.
  • Complete Campaign and Link Tracking Reports: For each email campaign you send, you can see exactly how many people opened their email, how many people unsubscribed, which links you clicked, email forwarding statistics and more. Application's campaign reporting features are simply unmatched.
  • Send Hundreds of Thousands of Emails: Application was designed from the very beginning to be able to support the sending of hundreds of thousands of emails without crashing or without any problems - such as duplicate sending.
  • Painless Integration Into Any Website: Use Application's built-in form creation wizard to creating subscription forms that you can place on web sites to collect visitors details. If you have an existing email subscriber list you can import that too, all from Application.
  • Unlimited Personalization Options: Create custom fields to capture additional details about people subscribing to you mailing lists, which you can then use to personalize the subject line and content of any emails you send out through Application.
  • Simple, Integrated Campaign Editor: It's easy for you to use Application's built-in campaign editor to create visually stunning newsletters, promotional emails and flyers. If you can use Microsoft Word, you can use Application and one of the integrated templates to create an email campaign in around 20 minutes.
  • Create HTML, Text or Multipart Emails: Application gives you the option to create HTML-only, text-only or multipart (HTML and text) emails. When you choose multipart Application will automatically deliver the most appropriate format to each subscribers inbox, depending on whether their email client can display HTML emails or not.
  • Create and Send Unlimited Autoresponders: You can easily create and send unlimited autoresponder emails on autopilot with Application. Take it a step further and only send autoresponders to subscribers who match certain criteria, such as a particular age, location or interest.
  • Integrated, Automatic Bounce Handling: Application makes it easy to remove bad email addresses from you subscriber lists with its built-in bounce handling engine. Simply setup an email account to accept bounced emails when your client sends a campaign and Application takes care of the rest.


Our application is a powerful, all-in-one email marketing software that's incredibly easy to use. Take a look at our list of benefits and we're sure you'll agree:
  • Personalize your customer relations. Studies have shown that people respond better to emails that actually address them via their first name. Our application allows you to capture your subscribers first name, last name, age, salary -- even their shoe size -- when you signup to your mailing list. You can then use these fields in your email to deliver personalized content.
  • Send any type of email communication. Newsletters, special offers, follow-up emails, member notices, customer service announcements, affiliate emails, invitations -- anything!
  • Improve sales and increase revenue. Selling a product or service from your website? Why not use Our application to send a series of follow-up autoresponders to your potential customers after you signup for your newsletter? You could send them a free whitepaper, more information on your products, or even a "subscriber-only" discount. Your imagination and creativity really are the only limits!
  • Build trust with your subscribers. One of the most import steps in the buying process is to establish trust with your visitors. By starting your own weekly or monthly newsletter, you're establishing your website as a credible source of information, which helps your visitors build up their trust in you.
  • Unlimited number of subscribers and lists. Create hundreds or even thousands of mailing lists and either import your existing subscribers or use Our application to automatically create a subscription form for your web site.
  • Complies with email laws. Our application includes powerful permission features, such as double opt-in confirmation and one-click unsubscribe which puts you in control of your email marketing campaign.

Why Choose Our application ?

  • Aapplication is used more than 35,000+ customers (including companies such as Dell, Intel, Shell, Lego, BT, Yale University and Charles Schwab).
  • When we say we provide you with support, we mean it. We offer email and user guide (detailed described in 143 page with image snap shots.)

Note: We are not selling this service to any broker to send spam emails. It is only for end users who have already website and have subscribe form on website. Moreover, we are not allowing sending 10000+ emails for any single particular account.

We are also using same application which can be Best Example for you to purchase. Please click here to order.